Offense, hurt and the like!
I have been hearing and in many a way, feeling these feelings as I enter into conversations with churched people more than those who are unchurched.
I wonder why this is so. I blame it on many things, like, Satan, the past, circumstances, people, people, people and people. Are people being too sensitive? Do we have expectations that are too high? Are we insensitive? Are we too this or not that enough? What happened to the LOVE that we profess Sunday after Sunday? Is this offense what really sets us apart and makes us holier than the unchurched?
Is there a difference between unchurched and unbelievers? Yes.
Many unchurched are those in the "hurt" and "offended" category... They are moving eventually to the "unbelievers" category if the churched ones don't watch out! So the churched are the ones with ALL THE PRESSURE to perform!
I really wish people could see past offense yet that is what is so LARGE and LOOMING in front of them. I wish I could take it away from them. I wish I could be their ALL SUFFICIENT savior! Really, I wish that! (the all-stupid me!)
When there are only 9 pot covers for 10 pots, there isn't much I can do no matter how much shuffling and juggling I do. You know, sometimes, it gets to me.... I am now officially offended by the offenses offended people experience (like it is any of my business!) I wish they would stop feeling the way they do. I wish I could make it go away or better yet, wish the things that happened to them never happened...
Alright... I know what I am supposed to do and say and behave, etc. but I am permitted to FEEL emotions so long as I work them out with God. That is what I am doing....
I am reading this book entitled, "Bait of Satan" by John Bevere a book NOT for the faint hearted as he really spells out much about being offended. (Things we harbour and even forget but when we see or talk to a particular someone or an unrelated event similar to a hurtful event in our past occurs, we just get upset for no apparent reason... he says that it is probably an undealt-with offense.....) Perhaps that is why things become GLARINGLY clear to me now. Since I have not finished reading this book, I shall not comment too much...
It is the better book by this author. Probably because I am reading it at the right season?! His other books, Breaking Intimidation and Thus Saith the Lord I didn't finish...
So, any lessons for me today? I am still learning but am willing to go thru this phase knowing that something good is going to come out of this, Lord!
Josh is sick and having his exams, PCK is recovering from laryngitis.
I would really love a shopping and a beachside holiday..... some new shoes, Laura Ashley outfits, laze around the pool side....