"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty;

not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Reminders, reminders...

I just started reading a book entitled, Spiritual Warfare For Every Christian.

When I began my second journey with the Lord, I started being aware of this thing and read stuff by Neil T Andersen, someone named Warner and did the 7 steps to freedom thing, etc...

I am definitely not a sceptic nor am i ignorant of the existence of this other realm and the happenings there but after some time, have learned not to OVEREMPHASIZE and look for a demon in every closet!

So this book says I am right but it also reminds us not to UNDEREMPHASIZE the existence of warfare in our lives. We can do this when we do not put the same weight on the bible verses that talk about it as you would with other portions of the bible. Hmmm, think that this is a good reminder indeed!

Thanks, Dean Sherman!

Living in Asia, we see so many religious ceremonies, etc. and it is easy to understand that the spirit world is indeed very real. I am thankful for the LORD and His covering over my life as I remember being so fearful of all sorts of ghosts, spirits, imagined or otherwise, as a child. It was this very thing that brought me to Him and He was such a comfort even back then, too!

These days, it is my thought life that is "attacked". Sometimes, strange, forgotten memories invade my thoughts and altho many seem to think it is normal, I found that rebuking and rejecting these thoughts aloud (altho softly, for fear of being heard by the earthly variety!) repeatedly have reduced them significantly! Strange but wonderfully true!

I thank God for this "weapon" that He has given me and encouragements through this book in pages 26-31 on Sitting, Walking and Standing (ref. Ephesians 1-3, 4: 1-9 and 6: 10-20).

Sitting - being relaxed and knowing who we are in Christ
Walking - putting into action (walk worthy of the calling with which you are called)
Standing - taking our stand against the enemy (can only be done after sitting and walking)

As with many authors, Dean Sherman reminds us of who we are in Christ. I am very forgetful of this too, so I appreciate these constant reminders!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

reuben morgan

we went to this worship event (actually a cd promo!) at pjefc monday, 6 june. it was my first christian "concert" and i had mixed feelings about it...

1. going to "see" an anointed worship leader/songwriter singing "his" songs, many of which are my personal favorites and powerful songs at that, like "Lord, I give you my heart" etc.. was nice. that was it. it was nice.

2. didn't know whether to "worship" or simply singalong to the music, many of which I really liked, like One Way, Still, All I am...

3. he was promoting his album but he also wanted to give God glory.... i could see that but still thought it a tad bit too commercialised... selling t-shirts to raise funds for some African children in the middle of the event... giving away another 7 track cd with purchases from Canaanland after the event.... sigh...

4. asked myself, what i would do in his shoes? I really don't think I would do what he did...

i did however enjoy my late supper/dinner with friends (and hubby, of course!) Enjoyed the company and the food too! What a lovely way to end the evening!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

boulevard of reconstructed cabinets... aha, aha, aha....

My carpenter has put up my kitchen cabinets! I have cabinets again! They seem rather empty now, actually. I added some shelves, reduced the depth and threw away stuff and viola! space!

Sigh... I had a busy day... morning, spent AN HOUR waiting to bank in a cheque at BSN (amazing quantities of patience I had!) then to Puchong and back to my home to await my sister and mum's visit, followed by carpenter then the music teacher and finally the cleaners... not a terribly productive day, I'm afraid!

I did however manage to book online my son's birthday treat... a holiday by the beach! Pangkor! We're heading there by plane (a first!) and the package is fly there and stay for free! Trouble is, the day we leave is his 12th birthday... and we pay full fare for him! Told him to eat more and take up space enough for an adult!! (ok, mum doesn't always make sense! :-P)

So, that was my day.... tada

Saturday, June 04, 2005

crappy business!

Let me put on record here that my tag line "everything i know, i learnt from Oprah!" is a very effective way of getting people's attention! Haha! It is also true to some extent!

Now, the new thing I learnt from Oprah is about crap aka "sai" aka shit aka faeces aka stools to name a few names it is called!

Oprah invited this doctor, one Mehmet Oz or whatever to her show once and he is co-author a book entitled, YOU, an owner's manual which says largely that we can live longer and healthier lives just by spending 3 minutes in our own bathroom using our sense of hearing, sight and smell!!!! Yup! you gotta take a look at your waste!

He also said that altho most people say they don't, they actually DO look at their err... waste! haha! I thot of recording this cos i thot i'd have fun reading this years from now on my "discovery" on what my shit says about me!!!!

He says that it is an essential health indicator and if the colour, smell and the very form is inconsistent, it serves as warning to us that we are not keeping ourselves healthy.

Ok, for the low down on faeces... the "ploppy" variety that comes in marbly bits are signs of constipation (duh!) and means we aren't taking enough fibre or water or not going often enough. He says once every 2 days or more frequently is fine but anything more than 4-5 days spell trouble! (double duh!)

The best kinda poop is the type that goes into the water like a skilled diver!!! haha! loved that one! Also, it should be a sort of "S" shape! Imagine that!

He added that, the average healthy person farts like 14 times a day! He did not however, elaborate on how it should smell!!!!

He showed us intestines, colons, livers of healthy vs not so healthy ppl and it does gross us out further but he was trying to make a point...

He said that constipation is bad cos it stretches and strains your body and this does damage it and wear it faster so that will make us age our bodies...

I thot that the show was good cos it reminds us to take care of our internals and that eating well helps us keep healthy. Most people don't care much about this as it is internal and takes some time before the damage is detected. I am the type that has to be reminded, so once again, thanks to Oprah, I learnt something.....