"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty;

not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Pains of parenting...

I have not been writing for some time now and feel once again as though I have to gather courage to write my thoughts and days down..

My kids are growing up fast and I feel so privileged to be able to simply watch them grow. The way God designed us, I really can appreciate how the human mind developes as I watch my two boys.. Things (good and not so good!) that they pick up, the emotions which are sometimes so transparent and even primitive.. things we learn to conceal as we grow older...

I want to try to teach them different stuff these days... I have not dealt much with human emotions and variables in our lives which make each of us react the way we do in different situations. Ok, an example is that people have different personalities and we should not simply react to a situation but also consider other people's feelings....

I would like my boys to be considerate of others. I also wish them to be confortable with and accepting of themselves and who they are, warts and all! The list goes on and on...

Parenting is a rather tricky business. We do what we think is best and at the end of the day, our offspring may turn around and tell us that they never asked us to do this or that FOR them!

We hear of parents toiling to ensure that they have enough money to put the children through their studies and instead of appreciating the efforts, children say to their parents that they never asked them to do so in the first place and would have preferred that the parent spent more time with them instead! This is especially in light of the child, a teen by then having gotten into some sort of trouble....

Both are noble reasons (in that the parent was doing something good by providing and the child was making an appropriate request of parents spending more time with them) but as a parent, how can one undo this? How can parents "make things right"? That is a parent's affliction, a insatiable desire to "make things right" for and with their children!

So, we trudge along, trying our level best to gauge and balance, not always succeeding in our quest of being that perfect parent.. many times losing sight of the fact that the LORD wants us to simply LOVE OUR CHILDREN and allow Him into the equation.


Dissociated Mind said...

The more I study development of children, the more apprehensive I am about being a parent. Yes, it is a daunting task and there's a huge pressure to get it right the first time around. But like what he said, u're doing an excellent job! :)

sonia said...

Comp hung, comments went *POOF*... But nvm.. my comment was very messy anyways...

My main point was just that I agree that it's really hard to be a parent & extremely hard to strike a balance of not doing too little or too much.. And if I got a chance to look into the future, I wont dare to see myself as a parent. Scared I fail miserably or sumtin ;P

AND.... I also think that ur a good parent! =). U are constantly evaluating the situation and all, keeping up with ur children & teens, loving, caring, and thoughtful. I'm sure ur children won't be able to live without urs & u pck's love + devotion! ;)))

Yeang aka Jolene said...

hey! i wasn't fishing for compliments here! i am still a WIP parent but am thankful i get good days and pray that i don't make costly, irreversible mistakes (costly to my boys!) along the way and that they grow up GOOD!

thanks for being such an encouragement, guys! :-))

Anonymous said...

My parents smoke, gamble, drink and occassionally curse.
i think i turned out rather ok, don't you? =)

Hard times will come, Rejoice! (James 1) your relationship will be the better for it. Whether you like it or not, the LORD is watching over J&J ALL the time, making sure they become good people.
No compliments...=P just reassurance that God is looking after your boys, so don't worry too much. When you worry, you're not thinking of God. (Purpose driven life)

Heh heh...I won't tell you what kind of mum you are...but you do make a great aunt!