"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty;

not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

Sunday, November 05, 2006

About looks & sisters..

There is this thing people keep on spending much time, money, effort, emotions, etc. over.... our appearance. It is so important to look good, look young, look this, look that.. yes, i am one of those who happen to care too...

My concern is not if it matters, it does but how much does it really matter to us?

Comfort and beauty is important to me. If I had only one choice to make, it'd be comfort. Perhaps some people may not agree with me. Ok, so I do wear heels but I am particular that the footwear gives me good support, somthing I can wear for at least 4 hours non-stop without killing me, for example.

One's age seems to be important in so far as corresponding looks are concerned I guess. For example, one would not want to look 40 when you are 14... Conversely, one would not look good being 40 and trying to look 14....

I face some questioning every time people see me and my 4th sister with me. Almost always the question would be "Oh you are sisters! Which one of you is older?" My sister happens to be a head turner then and now.. She also happens NOT to look her age! The rest of us, mere mortals, have had bask in the shadow of her beauty so to speak.. but see, the thing is this... she happens to be beautiful inside as well as out, so we are blessed to be related even! ;-)

It is interesting though, to see how people react to my "tantrums" once this question is posed and how they try to "get out" of it, so to speak! Yes, I do make a ruckus even if it's only a slight one. Perhaps, the first time I was asked, it did upset me a tad, I must admit but I have since rationalised that I look more ahem "mature" even when I was younger... born "lau lang" so to speak..

So, how important is appearance? God says that He does not look at the outward appearance but at our hearts. We too must be careful not to allow ourselves to be carried into putting more importance into our appearance than what we fill in our hearts.. I love my sister to bits, am ever grateful to her for her love, support, generosity, humor, prayers and petitions on my behalf, her wisdom, encouragement, guidance, rebuke even at times and her insight into my life! I am truly blest to have such a "beautiful" God-given sister!


Anonymous said...

Felt that I just HAD to say something lah...=)

Hmm...I don't quite agree with the 'comparison'. But then, I come from a bias background and upbringing: I know the facts!

People tell me that my mum and aunts are soooo beautiful and youthful. And my response is 'Yes kah?' =D

It's not because I disagree. But I see them so often that it doesn't strike me as anything out of the norm. They memang look like that mah! Memang beautiful...need to say meh?

Then from what you say and what I have heard and know, I can tell you that outward beauty is TRULY in the eye of the beholder! (This gives me MUCH hope!)

I have to agree with the comfort above beauty thinking. Unfortunately for me, I have yet to strike the balance and budget between comfort and looking dowdy.

Anyhow...it's 'sickening' lah to live with all you beautiful and youthful looking people! Pressure man! Then there is my beautiful and bubbly cousin who is only to be loved! =)

I can only give thanks that I have been surrounded by much quantity of great quality. And if I can only emulate 10% of it...cukup dah. The rest, I will just bask in it and enjoy being related to beautiful and youthful women, in and out.

I could write more...but this is your blog...not mine! Haha!

Love you lots! *hugs*

Dissociated Mind said...

*laughs* I don't hang out with your sisters, but you are beautiful to me. I can only wish that I will grow older as gracefully! In the meantime, I can join you in the born "lau lang" club. I was just saying something last night about when I am 90, and my friend went "not too long...another 3 years to go only."


shayne said...

ahahahahhahahaha. omg. too often i've heard people new to the church say that you're pretty, so there. lol

this reminds me of something we did at our Urban Life core group meeting recently. Sharene asked us which mattered most: outward appearance, body language, or content(as in things spoken etc). We were supposed to put in percentage values for each. It turned out in the end that it was a survey actually done, and the results in the end: 50% outward appearance, 40% body language, 10% content.

so...even if God doesn't look at our outward appearance but at our hearts, people look at the outward appearance. i'm not saying that we have to be "beautiful" at all times, but how we look affects how people respond to us...in a BIG way. they pay more attention and listen to you more attentively when you're well turned out, compared to when you're scruffy and in your pajamas. so it all goes into balance, God sees the substance first, but people need the exterior effect to see the substance. sigh.

on another note, i changed my blog!!! lol
