"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty;

not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

Sunday, February 20, 2005

mixed bag of nuts..

I have had a full day today, with non-stop activities, going places, meeting up with people. Feel tired but I am glad for the day.

It is hard to re-start blogging after a long break. At least it seems like a long while to me. I have been revealing my thoughts and feelings fairly well earlier but I have noticed a barrier of late. That too has for my keeping away... I wonder why that happens? Does it also happen when I take breaks from being with people too?

Some stuff about church.. like being involved in different "ministries". I feel truly blest that I have had the opportunity to meet up with different people, from the young to the old, from the noisy to the quiet, from the easy going to the very serious. I sometimes wish though, that I weren't quite so "sibuk" and just do my "own" thing. Like, be involved in one ministry, be more organised as far as home is concerned, going for some "courses" to hone in on whatever skills I might have, loads of other things... Then, I think of what I am so "sibuk" with. What kind of hours am I keeping "doing God's work" so to speak? Then, it hits me! All that I do concerns God, whether or not it is churchie stuff, ministry stuff, baking or whatever...

I met my neighbour of 6 or more months for the first time yesterday. I found out that she has 2 autistic boys aged 10 and 12 and an older teenage daughter. That's how good I am at "neighbour-ing"! (takes me forever to go up to ppl to say "hi!") I heard earlier from the previous occupant/owner that she had an autistic boy but I didn't know that there were 2 of them. I used my humble baking skills as an excuse to ring their doorbell and greet them while the lunar new year was still applicable. Thankfully, she was pretty friendly, apologizing for noise that she seems to think the boys make. Imagine that! She also said that some of her relatives/friends commented that the kids were better off dead than alive!!!! I can only imagine how that must have horrified her and her husband! It surprised me though how easy it was for her to tell me that... I told her that she was some strong lady, caring for the boys and household as well! I hope to be able to get to know them better, seeings that the initial contact has been made. Mayhaps, share with her about Christ someday, if they aren't already believers?

My other neighbour has also been a little friendlier of late, esp. through Joel's efforts to befriend her twins. He's managed to get an invitation to their home one of these days and is pretty excited about that. Only one problem, LANGUAGE! I suppose they could pick up english or Joel could learn conversational Mandarin?? He's even prepared himself for if the kids have homework. He says that he will spend time with their mum!

My ozzie friends left Sat morning and I didn't even manage to give them a meal! So sad eh? Dunno what kind of hosts we are!!! I really wished that we could spend more time with them esp. when they are such an encouragement and like big bro and sis to me!

To pray for :-
1. Simon Foo, Cheng Har, Ivan and Jason's salvation
2. Sam Tan and family's salvation
3. Cheng and family's settling down in Mel
4. Joel Wee's new job
5. Joy - SIG (that it would be a channel of blessing to those who join)
6. Subang leadership - MA and TBT
7. Joel Phua's eyesight (healing for his congenital cataract ridden eyes)
8. Nancy Q who is sick with back problem, that she will be well enough for travel by month end

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