"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty;

not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Contentment, love, what to do, waiting, cold, juggling time, food, growing older, smiling more...

These are some of the things going on in my mind now.

What is contentment? Being happy and satisfied with your lot. If you are, how does it show. If you aren't, how does it affect you? If you aren't and think that you are, how can you tell? How can one teach contentment? Can it be learned rather than be taught?

Love. I love but I fear that I may have been neglecting my dearest of dears lately so hmm, have to do something about that, but what?

What to do? Looking at my to do list, I have still somethings that need to be done, but somehow feel like holding onto it for now. I think I shall give myself another day or so before completing it.

Waiting. I don't like waiting. Still, waiting is what I have to do for literally everything. Wait for the kids to get ready, for school to start, the car to be serviced, to do my shopping, for my pimple to pop out, someone to write back....

Cold? It is such a cool, cool morning. I am wearing this t-shirt which is comfy and warm..

Juggling time? Which thing shall I do first, second, third... If the time allocated is too long, what else could I do in between?

Food? What to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, breakfast, lunch, dinner, breakfast, lunch, dinner...

Growing Older? My face is getting droopy. Thank God the rest of me has not followed suit...

Smiling more? Since my face is getting droopy, I guess I need to smile more to "bring it up"? Haha! Contentment?

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